Please consider the following important aspects before investing.
Investing in this token carries a significant risk of partial or total loss of your investment. The value of this token can fluctuate significantly and may be influenced by unpredictable market factors. There is no guarantee that you will make a profit or recover the invested amount.
There are circumstances where the transfer of this token may be restricted or even impossible. This can be determined by local regulations, platform policies, or other reasons. Make sure you understand the implications of limited transferability before investing.
Another important aspect is that this token may not always be liquid, meaning that you may not be able to easily buy or sell it on the open market. You may encounter difficulties in converting this token into cash or other assets.
There is a possibility that this token cannot be directly exchanged for goods or services. It is important to understand that the acceptance of this token as a form of payment may vary and may be limited to certain merchants or platforms.
Please be aware that this token is not guaranteed by investor compensation systems under Directive 97/9/EC of the European Parliament and the Council. Therefore, in the event of losses or the bankruptcy of issuers, you will not be able to benefit from the protection provided by these compensation schemes.
This crypto asset is not guaranteed by deposit guarantee schemes under Directive 2014/49/EU. Therefore, you will not benefit from the protection provided by these schemes if the platform or entity holding the crypto asset encounters financial difficulties or goes bankrupt.
We urge you to carefully evaluate the risks and consult with a financial specialist before making any investment decisions.
Only invest an amount you are willing to lose and fully understand the implications associated with investing in this token.
Please note that this warning is intended to inform you about the risks involved and does not constitute investment advice.